Défilé creation

Friendly reminder : main points are highlighted to improve your convenience and reading experience 🙂

About the project

  • Role : UI/UX Designer 
  • Duration : 82 hours
  • softwares : photoshop, illustrator, Figma, Balsamiq
  • languages : Arabic, English


What is it briefly

The Defile app revolves around exhibitions organized by Pyramids International, offering users, especially traders, comprehensive access to exhibition details and providing an effortlessly friendly means for local traders to frequently attend these exhibitions.

About Pyramids International

Pyramids International was founded in 1993 and specializes in organizing, planning and hosting various large-scale international events, including exhibitions, trade shows, and conferences. Pyramids International is a member of UFI (The Global Association of Exhibition Industry) and is an ISO certified company.


  • Introduce a simplified entry process to facilitate seamless access for users (traders), replacing the need for repetitive paperwork with a digital registration system.
  • Revamp the application to reduce complexity by streamlining the numerous sections, focusing on a more organized presentation around the different sessions and exhibitors of the biannual exhibitions.
  • Develop strategies to enhance exhibition revenue, such as introducing tiered pricing, value-added services for exhibitors, and expanding into virtual exhibition spaces to remain competitive.
  • Create a stronger community network for traders with features like industry forums, interactive networking opportunities, and enhanced user profiles, thus adding value to the user (trader) experience.
  • Undertake a comprehensive UI redesign to modernize the entire application, making it more user-friendly, visually appealing, and in line with current technological standards.

Examples of bad experience

here is a old home screen shot form the old application and critical issues need to be fixed
  • Reassess the position of the language switcher in the top bar; considering it’s a one-time use feature for most users, it could be relocated to a less prominent area of the app to maximize screen real estate.
  • Introduce well-defined sections for exhibition sessions within the exhibitions to organize the content more logically, making it straightforward for users to identify and associate sessions with their respective exhibitions, thereby enhancing navigation.
  • Re-evaluate the prominence of the “contact company” button on the home screen, and its persistence across all screens. Considering its limited use, this feature could be integrated into a more discreet part of the UI to prevent it from distracting users who do not require it.


#1 Easier way for the user to enter without paper work

The app features an integrated QR reader, which scans the code at the exhibition entrance, instantaneously transmits user data to the exhibitor’s system, and generates a virtual ticket.

This virtual ticket grants access to the exhibition for its duration. Following the event’s conclusion, the ticket will automatically expire.

#2 the application contains a lot of sections that would confuse the user
  • The app is now streamlined into three main sections: exhibitions, sessions, and exhibitors.
  • Each exhibition encompasses several sessions, and each session includes its respective exhibitors and comprehensive details.
  • Within each section, Breadcrumbs navigation is provided to assist users in easily locating their position within the app.
  • Users can now bookmark sessions and exhibitors for convenient access and review of their details at any time.
#3 Ideas for the business to make the market more competitive
  • Exhibitions aligning with the Defile criteria (Pyramids group) may be strategically ranked on the app’s home screen based on their significance and the investment level contributed by the publisher.
  • Owners have the flexibility to create tailored promotional offers associated with the app’s exhibitions exclusively for select publishers, enhancing advertisement opportunities.
  • Owners possess the capability to upload news pertinent to their business, ensuring the latest developments are shared with the audience.

Site mapping

What are the stages and screens that the user goes through from the moment of entering the application.


Preliminary and low fidelity design before the actual design stage.


All fonts sizes and weights used within the application.


All colors used in the application.

High fidelity designs

Final designs for Defile application.

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Défilé creation

The Defile app revolves around exhibitions organized by Pyramids International, offering users, especially traders, comprehensive access to exhibition details and providing an effortlessly friendly means for local traders to frequently attend these exhibitions.